Mercy Park
Chamblee, Georgia
4 acres
Mercy Care and Mercy Housing
Smith Dalia Architects
ULI Atlanta- 2018 Award for Excellence in Civic/ Institutional Development
Sylvatica Studio worked with Smith Dalia Architects to prepare master development plans for the partnership project between Mercy Care and Mercy Housing. Our work included master planning and design for the 4-acre site. Sylvatica Studio was instrumental in preparing a comprehensive site plan that met the functional and programmatic needs of each client.
The Mercy Care development is a 50,000 s.f. comprehensive medical clinic and wellness education center. The proposed Mercy Housing building will create 77 units of affordable housing for low income seniors. Site amenities include multiple common spaces including an arrival and drop-off court, outdoor waiting room and plaza, staff break room patio, residential gardens and courtyards.